14 June 2009


Yesterday, you ran through my mind
as I ran through a field.
Simultaneously, my joints unhinged,
and retracted,
while your name ricocheted
from one side of my head
to the other.
My cleanly shaven, pale white legs
propelled me forward,
lifting one foot in the crisp air
while allowing the other to
forcefully pound the Earth,
slowly sending vibrations through
paper thin grass blades of
pine, jade, viridian,
teal, lime, harlequin,
et cetera.

Several of the blades swept
against my exposed ankles and sent
chills up my calves,
ascending toward my thighs
and sky
was the limit for my goose bumps,
which caused every inch of my body
to quiver.

As you lightly brushed
your finger tips against my frontal lobe,
you tampered with the remote
to my emotions.
I tripped over a rock,
distracted by the thought
of you.
In my clumsiness, you too
stumbled, and left a finger print
on one of the buttons of the remote.
My face was covered with dirt
and my elbow had a scrape.
I was not alone, though, in injury.
You bumped your head
and the letters of your name
jumbled up,
leaving me
in my own thoughts' dust.

I steadily regained my balance
and gathered my thoughts.
You were back in the centre,
as if on a treadmill,
running my system.
When my pace increased,
your image,
your name,
all of you became more
The brown hair which matched
the bark on the trees I passed
on my way through the field,
and which enhanced the same dark colour
of your eyes,
never fully open -
literally or figuratively.
And your pristine facial structure,
equal to the sheer beauty
of the magnificence by which
I was encompassed.

I suddenly stopped to think about
but you.
A breeze caught onto my hair
and carried it as far as it could
before it was pulled back
by its attachment to me.
I wish the wind could have carried you
far away from my being.
But you didn't move.
You stayed constant to your place in my mind,
as you do
every day,
in my maze of a thought process.

My heart,
without an apparent reason,
pounded and
beat, pulsating and waiting
to rip through my sternum and
free itself from captivity.
And I looked down the opening
of my turquoise t-shirt,
and the beat showed through my skin.
I placed my hand over my chest
just in hopes to stop the outrageousness.
You banged just as hard against
the lining of my skull
in an attempt to keep my attention,
which gave me a throbbing headache
of, well, "epic proportions,"
so to speak.
When the pain and the obscurities were
I woke up.

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